Walking with Seekers and Grievers
Toward a More Fulfilling Life In Christ
Christian Spiritual Companionship is a contemplative, holy listening ministry. Spiritual Companions serve as trusted companions on seekers' spiritual journeys and to assist seekers reflect on God's presence in their lives, find their spiritual direction toward God, and discern how to best to respond to His invitation for a more fulfilling life in Christ.
Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind. It also is a challenging journey of self-discovery and an invitation to take stock of your life and to be open to new possibilities. Yes, it's true that after a loss, life will never be the same, but that's true anytime there is change. While it may not seem so now, your life can be fulfilling once again.
“Listen carefully, my child, to the master’s instruction, and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” St. Benedict reminds us that our hearts are where God speaks to us, and if we respond, we can experience an abundant, loving relationship with the Holy Trinity that transforms us. This blog offers encouragement and helpful tips to seekers and grievers.
Ekteleo is a Greek verb meaning to complete. Journeying through grief requires completing several tasks: accepting the loss, processing the pain of the loss, adjusting to the world without what was lost, and finding an enduring connection with what was lost, while embarking on a new life. BJ Spanos created Ekteleo Ministry to bring grief recovery and Christian spiritual companionship under one banner. Her goal is to help those who are seeking God or who are grieving a loss find meaning and purpose in their lives. She would be honored to walk with you on your journey through grief, your spiritual journey toward a more fulfilling life in Christ, or both. May God bless and protect you.
Please call BJ at 404.771.9335 for more information or to arrange for a spiritual direction session or a a journeying through grief consultation. All services are offered free of charge; voluntary honorariums are appreciated.