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2016: New Beginnings

Whether it is the turn of a new year, a new month or even a new day means each of us has an opportunity to begin again. For those who are grieving, this may sound like just another well-intentioned platitude that you have heard a thousand times. The truth is, however, you can recover from grief and be happy again. It is never too soon or too late to begin, and it does not matter the type of loss.

When you suffer a loss, you join a community of grievers, of which we are all members at one time or another; such as death of a loved one or a pet, job or career changes, health changes, moving, empty nesters, or divorce or relationships ending to name a few examples. Grief is a natural emotional reaction to loss. Our culture, however, encourages us to bury our grief and be strong. As a result, we suffer in silence, thinking we have no other choice.

The Grief Recovery Method® Grief Support Group invites you to join with fellow grievers and in a safe, confidential environment to gain a better understanding of grief and to learn specific action steps you can take to say goodbye to your pain and sadness and move on to a happier life. Together, you will discover the power of supporting each other by being hearts with ears. The Grief Recovery Method®: Grief Support Group is not therapy, but an eight-week educational program. A seven-week one-on-one program is also available.

To find out more, contact BJ Spanos, CGRS at 404-771-9335.

I send my very best wishes for the 2016, a year in which I hope you realize that you do have choices and that you will experience many new beginnings that will bring you joy and peace. Please call me, I can help!

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