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Alone for You, My Soul in Silence Waits

One of the ways God deeply connects with us is when we quiet ourselves and listen for Him in silence. This stillness allows us to set aside our 24/7 always on, always checking our electronic devices, always waiting for the next crisis approach to life and to rest. In this stillness, we also begin to understand that God is always with us, waiting for us to notice Him.

Recently, I accepted His invitation to step away and rest. I spent a quiet morning at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, Georgia. I sat by the lake and watched a white egret quietly go about its morning. A thick fog danced across the dark, glassy smooth water like the Aurora Borealis dances across the northern sky. As the fog slowly lifted, color began to return, especially the vibrant greens of the trees.

The white egret reminded me of God’s pure light against the murky, dark, and sinful world and how gently the Holy Spirit moves in our lives. When I became still and when for God alone my soul in silence waits (Ps 62:1), the fog lifted, color returned, and the brilliant white light of His burning love became more vibrant in my heart.

While I watched the fog, and pondered this metaphor, my heart rejoiced as I prayed, “You are my Father and my friend with whom I can be silent.” I then heard Him respond, “You are my child, and I love you.”

I encourage you to set aside some time to still your mind, quiet your heart, and wait in silence for God. My prayer is that you will find this time restful and rejuvenating. I also pray that in this silence the fog and darkness shrouding your heart will lift to reveal the glorious colors of God’s creation and that you, too, may feel His deep love for you.

May God bless and protect you.

BJ Spanos

Spiritual Director

Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®


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